Thursday, November 1, 2007

Keys to the Cross

So alive yet so dead
Gone back to thinking
Back down through the walls
Through the corridors of my life
Where once upon a time
Hope did not exist

Down this hall
I venture only to discover
There are many doors
Lining this corridor
Along the corridor
I found the key
To unlock one of the doors.

I open the door with the key
Inside what I find is astonishing.
I find the key to life by just opening the door
With the key I found in the corridor
This key is knowledge
The door is my heart

So alive yet so dead
Before Lord entered the corridor of my life
Entering into the door of my heart
Through the Key of the Cross
I was so lost
Yet now I’m found
No longer dead only dead to sin
Alive unto God through Your shed blood

Down at your feet
Sweet surrender is the song of my heart
You said the fear of the Lord
Is the beginning of all wisdom
Knowledge of the Holy One is understanding
Here we come to worship You the Lord
In fear and trembling we bow at Your Throne
To worship the Lord
Who has the keys of death and life
All praise, honor and glory be unto Him.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Saveing God

Well I was at Venue today like normal and well I felt like God was trying to tell me something and he was but I couldnt figure out it so I came home and wached the Video "The Maasai Project" that I had gotten in the mail from Mr. Biz and as I was waching it I was like Ohhh Thats what God was telling me is to reach out and save my friends and Family who truly need me so after I was done I was thinking wow God is really going to use me now and he has and WILL!!.... but the whole aspect to share the good news of christ with your friends and famly and the bible says

Galatians 6:6
Anyone who receives instruction in the word must share all good things with his instructor.

and that acctuly speeks for its self but for people who dont get it it means when you hear something good from the bible or about god you should share it with others.

another thing that God told me is that I need to be forgiveing of my enameys and well I was thinking who was me enamy and well just then and there started to pary for them one at a time!!!

Genesis 14:20
And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand." Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

Matt 5 1:38-42
38"You have heard that it was said, 'Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.'[g] 39But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. 40And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. 41If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. 42Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

and to me that means that if a person is being mean to you dont be mean back but show love insted of ignorance because love is the strongest thing ever because if Jesus didnt have love for us then he wouldnt have died (Maybe)....and also if you show 1 person love then they will show love back and thats what Jesus wants to see insted of Violence is LOVE!

let me know what you think of my blog....

Love and God Bless...

Thursday, September 27, 2007

God's amazeing Grace

Well as some of you may know that I got baptized this summer and well it also helped me realize this but it mostly clicked at camp well the retreat it was when I was doing my dvotions and well I was reading my bible and it was in Psalm 118:1-4 and in verse 1 it says "Give thanks to the lord for he is Good; his love endures forever" and well first it made me think about God's great love and that it will never end no matter what we do...then latter throught out the day I had free time to think and well God had layed on my heart that I was only shareing christ with those who alredy knew him and so as I thought more about it I realized I needed to start shareing him with other non beilevers...and the death of Jully from PHN made me start to think about my own sisters death and I was thinking if one of my friends were to die tomrow would they go to heven or to hell??? well then God just told me next time I talk to one of my friends to just say hey do you know God loves may not be in that order but I will say it if (wich he proably will) God Leades me to some how!! and well the main point to this is God's love is so amazeing that we cant even discribe it but we need to chare it not keep it all bottled up inside God wants us to share his word not be self-ish and keep it to our selves!!!!! Just as a complament makes someone happy just let them know that there are 2 people who love them Jesus and You (even if you dont like them dont hate them that is just like Killing them with your hearts).

I hope someone found this helpful!

Love and God Bless....


Well as some of you gyes know I was baptized this summer and well I just canged and it was quite amazeing for what God has done sence then and I also went to the youth retreate and it was just a blast and I realized what God was telling me and that I know I always have people from the chruch that I can trust!! Thanks Gyes....God has just had an impasct this year as I have been gone and I was doing a devotion from camp and as I was reading in Psalm 118:1-4 and it made me think of how much God loved me and it made me realize I wasnt trying to help those who REALLY needed it and in verse 1 it says Give thanks to the lord for he is good; his Love enfures forever.....and that showed me that I was only shareing Jesuse with those who alredy knew and that I needed to share it with EVERYONE!!!!!! and that is one thing that God layed on my heart at camp.


Thursday, April 5, 2007


God loves each and every one of you so much so I decided to write a poem.

There once was a monkey named Hail
Who almost went to jail
Then God saved him
and the monkey turned into a Christian
and a bum
but he went to jail anyways.

But God does love you, I am so serious.
I wish that people would get that through their heads that He loves you and your being complacent with the world isn't going to help you get to heaven, GOD WILL.
"Going to church makes you a Christian as much as going to McDonald's makes you a Big Mac"-Pastor Dave is Missy's youth pastor, no joke.
UH OH. I'm tired, give me a BREAK.

This message was brought to you by the random person to your left, Emily M.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

True Love...

Wind blowing branches breaking you'll never know my heart till
we truly depart it was broken so many times I wonder where god
is till I finly realize he is the one true love but if I do depart from
his true love he finds away back into my life he truly is the one
true love.

Wrtten By...

Duck Hunt! Chyeah!